I’ve Started a Book Club: Part Two

Harry Danced Divinely… and he ate and he drank wine

Not quite, but almost a month ago, I hosted a book club at my house in the hope that it would inspire a group of interesting ladies to read and also give them a real excuse to get to together for a fattening meal.
I was very uncertain of how it would be received, but you can read all about that here.

To my great surprise only two of the eight women cancelled, which secretly suited me as my dining room table only really sits six people. I finished the book, chilled the wine (Dewetshof Limelight Chardonnay/Pinot Noir), drank the wine and prepared the promised dish (penne with grilled cherry tomatoes, ricotta and optional chickenand olives).

This is not the Limelight Chardonnay / Pinot Noir.
It is however an actual serviette and ring dating from that evening.
The ladies arrived one by one to discuss the book. More wine was had (mostly by me) and suddenly everyone had something to say – an insight to share, similar experiences and things they found amusing. By the time the last bit of food was eaten (It’s the truth! I was planning on giving my husband some, but no such luck) and coffee and chocolates were had there wasn’t a discussion point left untouched.

As for the book, all of 5 minutes were spent discussing it. Everyone seemed to enjoy the light read, but despite my best, yet subtle attempts, it couldn’t compete with topics such as children, schools and husbands.

Still, I was amazed at the success the evening turned out to be and if I still had any doubts, they were dismissed when a new book, house and date were chosen there and then!

If you did read the book, or was considering reading it, you can still read my notes on it. If you’d like to join us in reading the next book, you’d better hurry. Book Club (yes, it’s a thing now) meets again on Thursday the 20th of November and we may or may not be discussing TheFive Love Languages by Gary Chapman. An oldie well worth a revisit if you haven’t read it yet.

I’ve also been doing my own reading in the meantime and am already planning my next blog around it. So expect some exciting stuff once I’m done! It’s another oldie called FrenchWomen Don’t get Fat, by Veuve Clicquot’s Mireille Guiliano.

As always, you’re welcome – nay encouraged – to share your thoughts via Twitter or Facebook.

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