The Thieving Crows

Cold bodies inside

Looking back, a few things should have alerted me to the fact that a single and frightening story was hatching in two different worlds simultaneously. Linked by a dweller in both. 

The very end of the month petrol stop

I zeroed the odometer. Apparently any good car has 40 k’s left in the reserve when the light goes on…. A proudly South African story of how Ubuntu beat payday to it.

Why was everyone complaining about the price of petrol?

Where Does Kudos Go?

I heard an interesting story the other day about where kudos comes from.  

“How would you spell ‘kudos’?” someone asked.  I was both on the spot and the defence.  It wasn’t a question – it was a challenge.  If I didn’t get this right she would forever doubt my credibility as a writer.