Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 5

The Third Day of Christmas

Date: 27 December 2014
Original Gift: Three French Hens
South African Gift: A bottle of French campaign. That was the original idea, but I decided a nice Wildekrans from Hermanus was a good South African spin on the French drink.
Price: Not too sure, as I found it in the fridge. But I reckon somewhere in the region of R100.
Food: Turducken a l’Orange (that’s three birds in a French sauce)
Saint: John
Scripture: Corinthians 13 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Take a road trip and have the campaign upon arrival in celebration of the people you’re with and for safe travels.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, three French hens.

By this time most people have mourned the passing of Christmas and are starting to look ahead to hopefully more holiday before New Year’s celebrations. It’s also the time when most people who have spent Christmas and the holidays with loved ones start to get a little annoyed, as the best of families do. Thoughtless little comments or actions are taken way too personally, small children are getting bored and boisterous and you feel that the next wayward opinion might finally make you say something you’ll regret.

Mourning the passing of Christmas - it's a real thing!

If that’s not the case, congratulations – you’ve reached a higher state of consciousness and should go annoy someone else. Either that, or you’re a liar, in which case you’ll be grouped with other normal family members and are welcome to stay. You may find perspective by having a look at what we’re all doing together in the first place and what this love we claim to have for each other entails.  1 Corinthians 13:1-8 has the most sobering descriptions – especially if you look at some contemporary translations such as the Message or New Living Translation for a change – especially for those who think they know it off by heart and don’t need to look it up in other translations. Do it!

A little further down in 1 Corinthians 13 you’ll also find the three virtues represented by the three French hens – faith, hope and love. Love, the most important one, is often used interchangeably with yesterday’s charity, which was the virtue attributed to St John – Jesus’ beloved apostle. He was tasked with taking care of Mary (Jesus’ mother) the only of Jesus’ apostles not to forsake him at the cross.

“But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn’t perfect will then disappear… For now there are faith, hope and love. But of these three, the greatest is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:10, 13

So until that time comes when we’re all perfect in our actions and reactions, cling to hope, faith and what it means to love.

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