Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 6

The Fourth Day of Christmas

Date: 28 December 2014
Original Gift: Four Calling Birds
South African Gift: iTunes Voucher

Price: R150.
Food: Chocolate Brownies
Saint: Feast of the Holy Innocents
Scripture: Matthew 2 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Give someone a kind or encouraging word.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four calling birds.

There are different versions to the song at this point. Some mention calling birds while other true loves gave colly or collie birds. It’s all a case of broken telephone and even left some unfortunate true loves with four, or rather 36 macabre coiled birds.
Strange looking coiled bird. Picture from

Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 5

The Third Day of Christmas

Date: 27 December 2014
Original Gift: Three French Hens
South African Gift: A bottle of French campaign. That was the original idea, but I decided a nice Wildekrans from Hermanus was a good South African spin on the French drink.
Price: Not too sure, as I found it in the fridge. But I reckon somewhere in the region of R100.
Food: Turducken a l’Orange (that’s three birds in a French sauce)
Saint: John
Scripture: Corinthians 13 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Take a road trip and have the campaign upon arrival in celebration of the people you’re with and for safe travels.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, three French hens.

By this time most people have mourned the passing of Christmas and are starting to look ahead to hopefully more holiday before New Year’s celebrations. It’s also the time when most people who have spent Christmas and the holidays with loved ones start to get a little annoyed, as the best of families do. Thoughtless little comments or actions are taken way too personally, small children are getting bored and boisterous and you feel that the next wayward opinion might finally make you say something you’ll regret.

Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 4

 The Second Day of Christmas

Date: 26 December 2014
Original Gift: Two Turtle Doves
South African Gift: A turtle magnet from Mauritius. Turtle because it’s a turtle. And the doves - the two lovebirds that went to Mauritius for their honeymoon.
Price: An odd R17000 – a trip to Mauritius.
Food: Chicken Pie. Dove… chicken… close enough.
Saint: Stephen
Scripture: Acts 7:51-60 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Hand out leftovers

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Two Turtle Doves.

Boxing Day. The day after the 25th of December wasn't lucky enough to share in the charm and magic of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when it came to naming. I used to greatly dislike the name (it must have made me think of a boxing match and I suspect it got mixed up with Guy Fawkes Day somewhere in the wonderland which is a child’s mind), but I recently realised why it is called that and I must say, the day has greatly redeemed itself in my eyes. I’d like to share some of that Christmas Spirit…

Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 3

The First Day of Christmas

Date: 25 December 2014
Original Gift: A Partridge in a Pear Tree.
South African Gift: My true love and I both really like Pride of India, so that’s what I got
Price: R40. Pride of India happened to be on special, but an actual young pear tree: R300
Food: Snappy Pear Salad
Saint: Jesus Christ
Scripture: Matthew 1 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Church Service

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Festivities everywhere, time with family, specially selected gifts and delicious food. Unfortunately the excitement leading up to Christmas, mostly created by the retail industry, is often met by disappointed when it abruptly ends on empty pockets and overfull stomachs. For those who feel that something is amiss, it’s good to remember that this holiday which does not discriminate between sex, race, age, status, or even religion, has a little more to it, and lasts a little longer. 

Cold Christmas Eggnog

Serves 6-8

This is not winning any health awards (uncooked egg which freaks some people out, not to mention cream), but I make it every year and every year no one complains and everyone finds it delightfully intoxicating. Some have even referred to it as liquid milk tart. So there.

What’s even better is you can whip it up with what you have in the pantry a few minutes before you start opening your gifts on Christmas Eve.

Ginger-Nut No Cake Trifle

(Originally Nataniël’s Red Grape Trifle)
Serves 10
Allow enough time for two sets of jelly to set

Another one of my Christmas recipes that I borrowed and changed to suit my pantry. Find Nataniël’s original, jelly-free Red Grape Trifle on This banting safe summer desert is a fresh cool-down after a heavy meal.

Christmas Gammon Relish

Serves 10

For much of my pre-Christmas Christmas lunch with our friends I decided to use some Woolies recipes.  I made this one for myself really, as I thought the flavours would be too strong for most people, but Woolies proved once again to know what they’re doing. This was a hit with both the gammon and turducken!

Pumpkin Casserole

Serves 10 - 12

It pains me deeply to admit that this incredible and incredibly simple recipe was not passed on from my family (in fact, I passed it on to my family). I went a-browsing one day for a pumpkin “pie” that you serve with the main course and took all the work out of it for you! The original was submitted to by Lori DeLosh.

It’s madly popular with everyone who tastes it and has been had for seconds, thirds, desert, afternoon seconds and breakfast.  So seeing as though there’s always some milk and pumpkin left, I normally make mine one and half times.

Deliciously creamy golden goodness just into the oven.

Hot Buttered Rum

Serves 3

I first became intrigued with “Hot Buttered Rum” during an episode of Frasier where Martie makes a batch for the lot at a ski lodge. There’s no hard science to this recipe though. I’ve made a couple of variants and it all depends on how creamy or unhealthy you want it. Also, I’m a massive believer in units of measure such as “glug”, “scoop”, “pinch” and “shake”. Have fun with it till it suits your palate.

Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 2


Date: 31 November 2014 – 24 December 2014
Gift: Advent Calendar
Price: R70 – R170, depending on whether or not Lindt made the chocolate in your advent calendar
Food: HotButtered Rum and the chocolate from your advent calendar
Saint: Andrew the Apostle
Scripture: John 1 (you can get a free copy of the English Standard Version Bible on Kindle)
Activity: Preparation

A large part of the excitement of Christmas is the preparation time leading up to it.  Putting up and decorating of the tree, baking cookies and fruit cakes, singing carols and shopping for gifts in the festively decorated stores.  Retailers are particularly fond of promoting certain gifts as appropriate for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas.  All of this leads up to the wonderful day filled with strewn wrapping paper and stuffed stomachs… and then it’s all over.

Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales: Part 1

Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas

Grinch Alert: This post and the ones to follow is all about Christmas. Proceed with caution!

Most humans love to fill their lives with traditions and stories - whether they’re passed on from ancestors, great grandparents, or new creations. Stories about how things came to be the way they are or about significant events and how we remember them. Consider any dinner party and you’ll find it stays alive through an exchange of stories – picking up an element from one and adding your own story containing said element. The conversation often lands up in a complete different place to where it started without someone having drastically altered the direction.

One particular story filled to the brim with traditions, and growing variants every time it comes around, is the story of how Christmas came to be. From the pagan solstice festivals, Yule logs and gifts, to the birth of Jesus, Midnight Mass and turkeys; Christmas has become a jolly old mix of religions and cultures, as well as the cause for much controversy, cheer and charity.

It’s the cheer and charity of it I'll be focusing on in Twelve Plus One Tiger Christmas Tales from now until the 5th of January, also known as the Twelfth Day of Christmas.

*This blog has grown into a company with its own websiteTassels & Tigers Themed Writing and Interiors. Please visit my website ( to view my home decor work, get a quote and read my decor articles.*

You may be wondering what "Book Notes" are as opposed to "Book Reviews". Allow me to explain.

Because I know how much of yourself goes into writing a book; because I am yet to publish a book myself and because I haven't read nearly enough, I felt that I was not qualified to review and pull apart other authors' works.

So instead, I am writing short notes on what I found interesting in the books I read.

French Women Don’t Get Fat – Mireille Guiliano

Book: French Women Don't Get Fat
Author: Mireille Guiliano
Year: 2007
Kindle Price: $12,79
Pages: 304

Two matters left me just a tad embarrassed every time I told someone I was reading “French Women Don’t Get Fat”.