May 2015
We have entered an era of conscious food consumption where those who can
afford to be picky are steering away from food that’s pumped up on hormones,
battery bred and preserved for months. The people (read upper middle class and hipsters) spoke
and they wanted REAL FOOD. One or
two little food markets emerged in amongst the trees where the truly health conscious
walked amongst the fairies and got seasonal fruit and vegetables on Sundays. Hipsters got wind of it and suddenly these
markets were springing up on rooftops, in nurseries and in commune backyards,
selling an array of homemade products. Then the upper middle class and
Noaks-followers heard about it from their hipster friends, pulled in with their
SUVs and brought the dogs and kids along for the ride.
Naturally, it was time to evolve again. This time it went online and conscious of doing what I can to preserve my family’s good health, but not keen to confuse foodie with faddy, I tried it out.